Choosing The Good Portion - 2019

Martha’s Choice

~ Choose the Good Portion – Week One ~

But Martha was distracted with much…

~ Luke 10:40 ~


Many mornings have passed when I’ve woken up early with the intention of sitting down with a cup of coffee and my bible, filling up on Jesus.   I walk down the stairs, full of anticipation for what I’m going to learn from Him, lighten the darkness by flicking on the switch, and I’m suddenly reminded that a family of six lives in my home.

My clean-freak self is not quite as exhausted as I was the night before and wants to start folding the blanket on the back of the couch and straighten the pillows that are not in their proper upright positions.  As I reach for them, Jesus whispers, “Go start your coffee and grab your Bible.”

Yes, I can do that, I inner monologue.  I walk toward the kitchen where, in the sink, lay a pile of last night’s dishes that didn’t get done because we had a late night of one activity or another.  I start to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and Jesus whispers, “Leave them be and start your coffee.”

Yes, I can do that, I once again inner monologue and I prepare my coffee. While I wait for my coffee to brew, I rinse some dishes and notice that the washcloth has that nasty funky smell they get when overused.  YUCK!  So, of course, I bring it to the laundry room, where I see the laundry bin of clean clothes that I didn’t find time to fold so I start to fold them…

Long story short, I have become distracted by one thing after another.  Eventually it’s time to wake my children for the day and I missed the opportunity to answer Jesus’ call to sit with Him and listen to His teaching.

Guys, it’s hard to admit, but I have done this way too often.  I have made the same choice as Martha, and allowed myself to be distracted with many things, missing out on the good portion.  When I let the voice of distraction win, my heart is heavy and it seems nothing goes quite right that day.

Oh, but I am so thankful for God’s grace and all the ways that He is showing me to choose the good portion!  When I choose to take every thought captive and silence the voice of distraction, when I choose the good portion with Him and His word…oh how my heart soars on wings of eagles and there I find my strength!

Pray this with me…

Heavenly Father, I thank you that through you, we have the ability to silence the voice of distraction and anxiety.  Help us to start setting aside time for you, our good portion. Remind us that it doesn’t have to look the same every day.  It doesn’t have to be in the morning.  It doesn’t have to be a marathon bible reading, prayerful session.  Remind us that you’re in the big and small moments and can do amazing things to our spirit in just five minutes.  Beckon us to take that five minutes and sit at your feet in whatever way is easiest today.  Lighten our burdens and give us strength for today.   Amen.

* Take time to read these scriptures today:

– Psalm 62:1 – Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.

– Isaiah 40:31 – but they that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

– Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

* Think About It (Comment below or share with a friend so we can come along side you to encourage and pray for you):

– What distraction is keeping you from choosing the good portion?

Blessing to you as you Choose the Good Portion today!

*All biblical references are ESV unless otherwise noted.